Sunday, February 6, 2011


Here's an unfinished post from about 6 months ago:

The boy's preference for walking (albeit with his parents' assistance) led many to believe that perhaps he would skip crawling all together. However, crawling provided a much-needed short cut to independence. Thus, without interrupting his walk-training, the young boy took up crawling. Here's his actual first real crawl (that is, on his knees and moving forward):


  1. Yay! It's good to have you back! Theo, your narrators are good people but so far they are slacking just a bit. If you would whip them back in blogging shape, your audience would be much appreciated. :)

  2. Agreed. Theo, your fans want more.

  3. Wow Rowan would be in heaven!! That's an awesome picture with the truck. And he's just a stud muffin dressed up for church!
    Guess who's in our new ward now that you know~ :) Jenae Attridge from Park City! (not sure what her maiden name is...)
