Sunday, February 17, 2013

Heffalump Hollow

The big brother had his big day November 2. He was no longer two but three fingers. 

"Waffles or pancakes? Waffles it is."

Later, the 3 year-old had a party at the Hundred Acre Wood. His woodly friends arrived, donned newspaper hats and were ready for adventure.
Pin the tail, ears, and tuft of hair on the Heffalump was a hit, as was Capture the Heffalump (which involved lassoing an elephant)

The children left with beehives (cakes) they decorated themselves. 

It was tons of the fun.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Sunday, February 3, 2013

On Halloween

One awesome thing about Columbus is that Halloween can easily become a multi-day holiday with different parties, etc. occurring on different days throughout the end of October. On a particularly warm day, T-Wolf donned a Greaser-like outfit. As the 31st approached the temperature dropped and the little men dressed up as cowboys to justify the additional clothing.

 howdy, Pardner

Friday, February 1, 2013

some summer photos for the winter blues

 comedy & tragedy

twinners being silly

the family in jello