Monday, October 29, 2012

A blessing from heaven

This little guy is really, really sweet. His parents really like him. His older brother likes him a lot too. He helps out with soothing and bathing and does his best to make sure he and everyone else is quiet while his younger brother naps. All in all, the clan is quite pleased to the little guy as a new member.


Sunday, October 21, 2012

Enter Owen

Given the growing size of his mommy's tummy as well as the sporadic movements within, it became clear to the toddler that a baby would soon arrive. Nevertheless, it was summertime and fun was needed to be had.

One morning in June, the young toddler awoke to find his mama and dad had gone to the hospital in the middle of the night. He hung out with Teenie until he could get a ride to visit the new little brother. He was very happy to meet the new addition, as well as all the other sights that a hospital offers a young child.  

Owen Augustus came into the world much easier than his older brother. He was a fat and happy 9 1/2 pounds, and cuddly from the start. His mother couldnt have asked for a better birthday gift. The whole little family was so very happy.