Friday, November 23, 2012

the River

The boys got to experience The River. The older one never quite adjusted to the time change and was up early enough to catch the sunrise. When the grandparents and cousins woke up he would sometimes, run and jump off the dock or ride in the boat, but he was more likely found splashing in the kiddie pool with Ingrid and his aunts and uncles. He and cousin Ingrid were good afternoon loungers, catching movies in the cool house on pillows. But when it came to lounging, no one rivaled the little guy. For being such a beginner, he pretty much ruled vacationing at the river. 

Sunday, November 4, 2012

they come from all over

With a baby comes lots of visitors. Teenie was keeping the older brother and the house well taken care of while his parents busied themselves with figuring out life with a newborn again. Then the little family was visited by Will and Rebecca passing through from Florida. 

Not too much later came Nana Lou and Katilin. The chaos started with being stuck in the airport in Chicago all night because the lights weren't working on the runway. After she finally arrived a crazy store occurred, taking out trees and the power for several days. As the days passed on with no power, eating and staying cool became a problem and the boys' parents were getting a little cranky. Luckily Nana Lou and Kaitlin were civilized and kept the older brother happy throughout the ordeal.
Aunt Kaitlin ended up staying for the 4th and got to enjoy the parade. The little guy, however, was unimpressed and slept through the whole thing. 
Afterwards, the older brother got wet first in the backyard and then at the state park beach where he made some friends building sand castles.
The little guy isnt sure why his older brother is so sad about posing for this photo - they sure love their Aunt Sara who was also able to make a visit!